Bipolar / Dual Transistor Availabilities
While STI services many industry generic transistors a very large portion of our material is custom tailored to your application requriements. STI has been in business for 50+ years creating many dedicated custom part numbers that are not listed here. If you do not see a device with the parametrics you are looking for please provide our team with the device requirements and we will do our best to asssit you in finding one of our products to meet your application requirements.
NPN & PNP Silicon General Purpose Transistors
STI PN | ---- | Polarity | VCEO *=VCER | hFE | hFE A | VCE | IC | Case |
The above part list is of historical products offered by STI and shall not be considered guarantee of product availability. The information is subject to change by STI with no warning. The information is belived to be both accurate and reliable however STI assumes no responsibility for any error or ommisions.
NPN & PNP Silicon Dual Differential Transistors
STI PN | ---- | Type | BVCEO | hFE max. | hFE min. | IC @ hFE (A) | Matching hFE Hfe1/Hfe2 min. | Matching VBE VBE1-VBE2 max. (mV) | Change in VBE due to Change in Temperature uV/Deg C | Power Dissapation PD max | Package / Case |
The above part list is of historical products offered by STI and shall not be considered guarantee of product availability. The information is subject to change by STI with no warning. The information is belived to be both accurate and reliable however STI assumes no responsibility for any error or ommisions.